Wild and Wandering Thoughts of a frizz-laden loon

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Oh God.

Oh God.

I feel sick. Oh God, I just feel...oh, it's horrible.

Why can't people stop it?

I will explain. In Germany, I read an article in Katherine's magazine about pro anorexia and bullimia websites there are around. Apparently, they call them Ana and Mia on these websites.

So, out of curiousity, (and nothing more than that - most definitely) I typed in mia and ana and google. And found some completely horrible things.

I found a whole site worth of how life is nothing unless you're thin, and how to deal with food cravings and what to do, basically ("eat ice and ice water because it bloats you up without food") and photos of people they should look like.

I cried. Honestly, I cried. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible. How can people do that to themselves? And how can people be so disgusting as to encourage them?

I would say more, but I can't find the words. But I felt absolutely disgusted at all of it. They're supposed to look like all these thin celebrities like the Olsens, and the photoes look skeletal. And there are pictures of the sufferers and their target weights (they were horrifyingly thin) and comments like, "You're fat."

They're killing themselves! They're...they're...Oh god, I don't know what to say. It's just so scary how so many girls are taken in by horrible websites like that. Do they have no brains at all? Weight isn't everything! In fact, weight is practically NOTHING. How and why do these girls think that being completely skeletal is healthy, and looks good?

So yeah, I don't feel very happy after seeing that. Not at all. If only there was some way of convincing them that they're...no, I can't say insane, that's cruel, but they're so WRONG.


I've got to go now. Sorry for being depressing, but I just felt horrible.



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