Wild and Wandering Thoughts of a frizz-laden loon

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Ho hum, pig's bum. *snigger*

Amy...go sock yourself. OK, that sounded quite a lot better in my head... :S

Urgent question: What happened to the sock??? Haven't seen it in MONTHS and MONTHS. Max hasn't lost it, has he?


This is a post to satisfy the needs of my cruel master, The Oh So Evil One (aka Amy) because she has been nagging me again. ("You haven't posted in nearly three days!")

Ah well, I don't mind. Amy deserves to be happyhappyhappy because she is a lovely person. So is Max. So is Rosie. So is Simon. So is Cieran...when he feels like it. So is Eleanor. So is Cara. So is Charlotte, and everyone else in that mad little group of ours. You all rock! But Amy rocks just a bit more!

*majoy sucking up to taking place*

Nah, I mean it. YOU ALL RULE! Unlike some people...grr...Mike and Martin spring to mind as classic examples.

Although you have to feel sorry for Martin, really. He's a lapdog and a pawn, as I may have mentioned before. I mentined both examples to Martin. His reactions were as follows:

"I'm porn?"
"I'm a dog? If you want to see dog, look in the mirror!"

Under the watchful eye and influence of Mike, no doubt. When Mike's not there Martin lapses into silence, most of the time anyway. Still, I don't have complete pity. He should stand up for himself instead of letting himself be strung along. Grr...he is annoying anyway.

And Mike...I don't think I should talk about Mike unless I want to start hitting the nearest thing very hard. (Which would be my laptop, which was very expensive and is very useful anddo not want to damage it.)

Some quotes:

Me: Katherine gets a Game boy out and Cieran springs to attention straight away.
Cieran: It's a Nintendo DS, actually.
Me: DS, Gameboy, we're all fruit.

Grant: A golden piece of advise: Chocolate fixes everything. And I mean everything.
Me: What about diabetes?
Grant: Well, I, um, I, oh shut up.

(After Mum tells him off for getting a box of shortbread instead of a tin.)
Dad: Marks and Spencers, Shortbread, tin, you told me. Well, two out of three's enough.
Me: Hello...Richard. No, Geoffrey! No, Richard! No, Geoffrey! *long pause* Richard?
Geoffrey: Geoffrey.
Me: Crap.
(Sorry about the excessive Me quotes here, I just wanted to share them with the world.)
Me: Oh, big piles of cowpat! The bus isn't here yet!
Me: Oh, fliggleguff! The bus isn't here yet!
Sophie: Oh, shut the crap up.
Hahahaha. I know of more but am not going to write them down.
Sam Thacker: Yes, I was the kind of five year old who beat people with sticks.
At least I think he said that. It might have been someone else.
Anyway, must continue packing for exchange, then maybe have bubble bath. Smell ya laterrr!
And Amy, comment or I eat you. You rock :D
Apologies for the non-gaps in between quotes. I have tried to return but they won't come up when I republish! Grr. So if you're reading, the quotes are all separate, except for the Me, Geoffrey, Me one. Non of them link up except that.


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