Wild and Wandering Thoughts of a frizz-laden loon

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Seventh Heaven

Yet another good day. I went into town again, but sadly didn't see any madness at all. Pity, really. Also couldn't buy my usual lunch because the sausage roll shop was shut. grrgrrgrr however I had another heavenly thing to add to my heavenly things.


I have never tasted ANY biscuit like that in my life! Thick and slightly soft with big choc chips embedded in it....all for £1.20! It was brilliant. I met Katie and Helen by chance near Virgin and showed them it. Katie literally started drooling, so I gave her a bit. I can just imagine the adverts now:

Voice: This is not just a cookie. This is a...hey!
Ros & Katie: (Mouths full) Sorry!

Also bought Hannah a birthday present which I am sure she will love and cherish. Well, she'd better. Otherwise I will have wasted my money, which would have been drastic because my funds are low at the moment. I am confused about the Harry Potter book. I gave the lady a pound and wrote down my name and address for her, and I don't know what happens next. Do I go back? Or do they send it for me?


Ah well. Found two truly brilliant posters in Athena today. One Lord of the Rings one with just Viggo Mortensen *drool*, and one of a big dalek. Wa-hey! *sniff* I miss Doctor Who still. I've downloaded a screen saver from the website, saying how many months, days, hours, minutes and seconds till the Xmas invasion.

This is counting down to December 25th, but it's not certain because it might not be on that day, no one knows. I cant WAIT!

Getting bored now. Will leave. Farewell, blogmeisters. Angen Onsen, still waiting...


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