Come up to meet ya,
Tell you I'm sorry.
You don't know how
Lovely you arreee...
I'm on a bit of a Coldplay binge at the moment;!
Anyway, deviating from the main point of this post; it's half term! Something I was unaware of until Wednesday of this week, which was an added bonus. Apart from that...meh...nothing much is happening. Anna is still a Johnny Depp obsessive, I am still an obsessive for all the usual things, school is still one giant piece of coursework, Doctor Who are disregarding their teenage and adult fans (i.e. Me and Marie as prime examples)...
Oh! It would be worth mentioning House Music, actually. Junior House Music to be precise, at which I had the pleasure (hmm...) of witnessing due to the fact I was chief operator of the sound (which translates as, I tested the microphones and sat on the balcony turning the volume up and down every so often, because it was that easy).
And I think Gloucester got a raw deal, really; they were excellent in rehearsal, just not as good in the actual performance. And I was never the hugest fan of the Beaufort one anyway. (Well, I say that, but Tom Burnell and I were bopping along to it in the lighting box during Friday assembly). I loved the York one, though; that dance! The funniest thing I've seen in ages. Again, we were all bopping along to that in the lighting box as well. Which begs the question; why were we up there? I have no idea, but it was fun anyway.
So yes. Not much to say. But we have a week off! Hurrah! It's Beth's Halloween party soon! Double hurrah! I have mocks relatively soon and I have to start revising! ...shit.
Still, I'll worry about that a bit later. For now, I'm happy sitting on my bed with my laptop warming my knees, wearing my lovely soft jumper and jeans, listening to the fantastic Coldplay, and typing this minature epic to whoever may be reading.
Nobody said it was easy.
No one ever said it would be this hard...
I'm going back to the start.
That's an excellent song, and the best music video I have EVER seen. How on earth did Chris Martin manage to lip-sync all the lyrics backwards? And, if he's clever enough to do that, how come he never managed to convince Gweneth Paltrow not to call their daughter "Apple"? Poor child. Apple Blythe Paltrow. I mean, what's wrong with the name Blythe? But no, they have to go with Apple. She'll get hell later on.
(I have no idea how I know her full name - one of those things that just sticks, unlike other details I could mention i.e. BIOLOGY.)
Anyway, had better scoot and finish some homework. Apologies for the exceptionally boring content of this post. Farewell!
P.S. So you don't know where you're goin', but you wanna talk...
Tell you I'm sorry.
You don't know how
Lovely you arreee...
I'm on a bit of a Coldplay binge at the moment;!
Anyway, deviating from the main point of this post; it's half term! Something I was unaware of until Wednesday of this week, which was an added bonus. Apart from that...meh...nothing much is happening. Anna is still a Johnny Depp obsessive, I am still an obsessive for all the usual things, school is still one giant piece of coursework, Doctor Who are disregarding their teenage and adult fans (i.e. Me and Marie as prime examples)...
Oh! It would be worth mentioning House Music, actually. Junior House Music to be precise, at which I had the pleasure (hmm...) of witnessing due to the fact I was chief operator of the sound (which translates as, I tested the microphones and sat on the balcony turning the volume up and down every so often, because it was that easy).
And I think Gloucester got a raw deal, really; they were excellent in rehearsal, just not as good in the actual performance. And I was never the hugest fan of the Beaufort one anyway. (Well, I say that, but Tom Burnell and I were bopping along to it in the lighting box during Friday assembly). I loved the York one, though; that dance! The funniest thing I've seen in ages. Again, we were all bopping along to that in the lighting box as well. Which begs the question; why were we up there? I have no idea, but it was fun anyway.
So yes. Not much to say. But we have a week off! Hurrah! It's Beth's Halloween party soon! Double hurrah! I have mocks relatively soon and I have to start revising! ...shit.
Still, I'll worry about that a bit later. For now, I'm happy sitting on my bed with my laptop warming my knees, wearing my lovely soft jumper and jeans, listening to the fantastic Coldplay, and typing this minature epic to whoever may be reading.
Nobody said it was easy.
No one ever said it would be this hard...
I'm going back to the start.
That's an excellent song, and the best music video I have EVER seen. How on earth did Chris Martin manage to lip-sync all the lyrics backwards? And, if he's clever enough to do that, how come he never managed to convince Gweneth Paltrow not to call their daughter "Apple"? Poor child. Apple Blythe Paltrow. I mean, what's wrong with the name Blythe? But no, they have to go with Apple. She'll get hell later on.
(I have no idea how I know her full name - one of those things that just sticks, unlike other details I could mention i.e. BIOLOGY.)
Anyway, had better scoot and finish some homework. Apologies for the exceptionally boring content of this post. Farewell!
P.S. So you don't know where you're goin', but you wanna talk...
i'm guessing chris martin was singing the words normally and they played it backwards if that makes sense
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM
no he did sing it backwards - I don't know how i know that but its true.
Hi Ros! I had the same thing where i watched that video loads of times. On youtube somebody has got a video which plays it the other way - i suggest you watch it.
House music was sehr funny - and i agree about York's dance.
Megan, at 3:24 AM
Hey so what's happening in Doctor Who right now.
Is stupid wedding person still around?
Unknown, at 3:33 AM
Doctor Who hasn't been on for ages has it?
It's coming back at Christmas.
But Torchwood has now started but they are showing it on digital and only one episode on the channels i have
Megan, at 9:52 AM
Don't be sad Meg.
Unknown, at 8:16 AM
'Doctor Who are disregarding their teenage and adult fans'
Ummm... have you seen Torchwood?
I know it's not Doctor Who but they
say fuck much more than necessary...
Anyway, watch it.
Anna, at 3:00 AM
i heard that it was definitly for]
'adult viewing'
meh. i'm gonna watch it anyway.
Megan, at 8:00 AM
Don't Panic is easily Coldplay's best song.
For sure.
Anna, at 9:18 AM
doctor who is BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry just had to say that.
lost-in-dreams, at 12:47 PM
Verity is BORING.
Just had to say that.
Yellow is the only other amazing Coldplay. Ros listen to In The Waiting Line by Zero 7. You'll love it.
Anna, at 2:47 AM
doctor who is not boring
Megan, at 3:39 AM
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