"Brokeback Mountain is the latest abomination from that West Coast BABEL, Hollywood. This depraved piece of cinema portrays two gay cowboys!! Lord have mercy!! What will they think of next? When I was a little girl the images we had of cowboys were of real men like John Wayne, not of twittering panty waists who spend all their time pressing flowers and crying because they can't have each other (in the sexual way - ugh!) The film is an affront to America, to John Wayne, to cowboys and to GOD himself. I have already written a letter of complaint to the film production company and have also expressed my disguse to Dr James Dobson. I think that all good CHRISTIAN women should picket outside this depiction of GODLESSNESS in the Tetons until it is taken off of all screens in America."
OK, I am all for people having beliefs, but if anyone wants to go and hit this woman around the head with a blunt instrument, I'm not stopping you.
OK, I am all for people having beliefs, but if anyone wants to go and hit this woman around the head with a blunt instrument, I'm not stopping you.
Who is she? I'd like to meet her!
Anonymous, at 2:55 AM
If only Marie, if only...
Lisa Rullsenberg, at 10:07 AM
Leik zomg brokeback just got rhaped 4evaz yayayayaya roflroflrofl
Anonymous, at 5:12 AM
lmao you LOVE that film! sliiiiight change of opinions going on here. and what's wrong with gay people? you would think that someone who was hiding their homosexual feelings would write this... suspicious :)
Anonymous, at 3:10 AM
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