Wild and Wandering Thoughts of a frizz-laden loon

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Well, The Gloucestershire Echo has gone with the headline Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. Predictable, no? Anyway; it's been raining for about three days straight, monsoon levels, and now we have no running water throughout the county.

The words bloody massive irony spring to mind.

Gagh, it's a disaster. Cheltenham seems to have mostly dried up, which is a relief, but Tewkesbury is still pretty much underwater, and there is more rain to come. We were even graced with a visit from Gordon Brown, although I'm not sure what part of the county he flew to. It definitely wasn't here; we've come off lucky. Still, the town is without water for an indefinite anount of time, and it's...a bit of a pain. Just a tad.

I know people always say this, but it's so true; you never really pay attention to the mod cons until they're gone. We're coping fine without water; we've saved a fair few gallons, which are taking up the whole kitchen in various bottles and containers. But still, everything becomes so much more complicated without it, and I keep finding myself being ashamed at being affected by it; countries in the Third World are incredibly worse off by comparison. We in the West are so used to having things done for us, that we become flustered when things are taken away.

If there is ever an apocalypse, 28 Days Later-style scenario, we're not going to do well, are we?

ANYWAY. We should regain water in a couple of days, according to the newspaper reports. Thankfully we still have electricity. Mum has said that if our power fails, that'll be it; we'll uproot and go and stay with my Grandma for a few days. So far, that seems unlikely.

...I should really go out. Mum's told me that now the whole town's out of water (it was only select areas, including here, yesterday), there won't be any shops open, but I have to get out. I feel like the walls are closing on me.

On the plus side, it hasn't rained today. It was even warm, earlier. I can see patches of blue underneath the clouds.

Right. Must go out before I snap, barge into my brother's room and tell him Deathly Hallows secrets. Or something. Anything to pass the time.

Rosby out.



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