Well, according to Blogger, this is my centenary post! But I know that's not right because I deleted a whole wodge of them out of embarassment. Still, hurrah.
May I wish a very happy birthday to Christopher Eccleston. A woo oooooooo....*violin*
It may seem a surprise after reading the last post, but...I MANAGED TO COMPLETE THE MATHS COURSEWORK!!! Hurrah! After a healthy night's sleep, I woke up and suddenly realised what I'd been doing wrong! I would explain, but I don't want you crashing your head down on the keyboard in boredom and possibly injuring yourself.
So after a lot of altering, typing, equations (God dammit), editing, changing, deleting and mumbling to myself (a Maths speciality) I managed to achieve my goal; I can do what I need to at (literally) the click of a button! Yayyyyy.
Also, new discovery; I LOVE Shaun of the Dead. Just love it! It is absolutely HILARIOUS. And disgusting. Simon Pegg rocks! Hurrah! It's going on the list of favey films, methinks. Team America is still top though. Hmm. Is it possible to love Team America and support Michael Moore at the same time?
I've been watching a lot of films lately. WARNING: Do NOT watch The Others in a pitch black room with all the doors open. On your own. You will jump out of your skin at every little noise. Anyway, verrrry good film. Creepy. It also highlighted quite how stupid I am; after relentless Doctor Who watching, just as the actor who plays Charles exits, I sit up and think, Wait a minute...wasn't that Christopher Eccleston?
And also, I thought when I saw Vanilla Sky it was the weirdest film ever. I hadn't seen Fight Club. That film is WEIRD, really really really strange, I'm telling you. My brother had told me the huge plot twist (thanks Joe) before I watched it, so I knew in advance, but it was still totally freaky. And violent.
Edward Norton's a bit of a looker, isn't he? Oh God, we watched Shakespeare in Love on the last day of term. Joseph Fiennes is dreeeeeeeamy. Oh yes.
Still twitching for the new Doctor Who, who is...HIMHIMHIMHIM. The most dreeeeeeeamy of them all. You can scoff. This little frizz-laden loon doesn't care.
I'm (literally) crammed into the spare room at the moment, because *drum roll* The Great Room Decoration that I have been waiting for (literally) YEARS, is finally taking place! Yayyyyyyy!!! So my stuff (and there is a lot of it) has been put into boxes, moved onto the landing, the disgusting caroet has been taken up and me and Dad are going to re-paint it tomorrow! Lalalala.
Should I watch Casanova now?
Yeah, why not. I haven't seen it in a while. (Literally)
Seeeeee ya!
May I wish a very happy birthday to Christopher Eccleston. A woo oooooooo....*violin*
It may seem a surprise after reading the last post, but...I MANAGED TO COMPLETE THE MATHS COURSEWORK!!! Hurrah! After a healthy night's sleep, I woke up and suddenly realised what I'd been doing wrong! I would explain, but I don't want you crashing your head down on the keyboard in boredom and possibly injuring yourself.
So after a lot of altering, typing, equations (God dammit), editing, changing, deleting and mumbling to myself (a Maths speciality) I managed to achieve my goal; I can do what I need to at (literally) the click of a button! Yayyyyy.
Also, new discovery; I LOVE Shaun of the Dead. Just love it! It is absolutely HILARIOUS. And disgusting. Simon Pegg rocks! Hurrah! It's going on the list of favey films, methinks. Team America is still top though. Hmm. Is it possible to love Team America and support Michael Moore at the same time?
I've been watching a lot of films lately. WARNING: Do NOT watch The Others in a pitch black room with all the doors open. On your own. You will jump out of your skin at every little noise. Anyway, verrrry good film. Creepy. It also highlighted quite how stupid I am; after relentless Doctor Who watching, just as the actor who plays Charles exits, I sit up and think, Wait a minute...wasn't that Christopher Eccleston?
And also, I thought when I saw Vanilla Sky it was the weirdest film ever. I hadn't seen Fight Club. That film is WEIRD, really really really strange, I'm telling you. My brother had told me the huge plot twist (thanks Joe) before I watched it, so I knew in advance, but it was still totally freaky. And violent.
Edward Norton's a bit of a looker, isn't he? Oh God, we watched Shakespeare in Love on the last day of term. Joseph Fiennes is dreeeeeeeamy. Oh yes.
Still twitching for the new Doctor Who, who is...HIMHIMHIMHIM. The most dreeeeeeeamy of them all. You can scoff. This little frizz-laden loon doesn't care.
I'm (literally) crammed into the spare room at the moment, because *drum roll* The Great Room Decoration that I have been waiting for (literally) YEARS, is finally taking place! Yayyyyyyy!!! So my stuff (and there is a lot of it) has been put into boxes, moved onto the landing, the disgusting caroet has been taken up and me and Dad are going to re-paint it tomorrow! Lalalala.
Should I watch Casanova now?
Yeah, why not. I haven't seen it in a while. (Literally)
Seeeeee ya!
Belatedly, you see I AM coming to comment!
Fight Club is just brilliant and remains a favourite of mine: you have excellent taste in movies btw, and yes, Norton is "a bit of a looker". And re Fight Club, the phrase "we have just lost cabin pressure" - the remark that comes in on the voice-over when the twist is revealed - is a much repeated phrase in our house for when things take a bit of an unexpected turn.
Anyway, the point is we plea for forgiveness for our lack of attention to commenting!
Lisa Rullsenberg, at 10:32 AM
Sophie B, at 5:52 AM
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