(Although temporarily and as a procrastination technique. Drama essay.)
Here is a brief summation of the events since I left:
- The Brokeback obsession finally passed over, believe it or not. I read something in a play about the "Love-Spotters" and thought, hang on...that's me! I desisted pretty quickly after this little incident.
- Unfortunately, another little pairing has been my downfall, and that is...Jack and Ianto from Torchwood. Yep; I finally got round to watching Torchwood (most of the episodes, anyway), which, as completely crap as it is in some areas, really hit the nail on the head with Jack and Ianto. I don't know, I just think it's a really interesting relationship. (And before you ask, no, I'm not saying that just because of what they *do*.) Plus, you feel less...well...not guilty, exactly, about fangirling over those two because BBM was a situation that thousands have experienced and suffered; I think it's safe to say that *nobody* has reached the level of weird angst that is Jack and Ianto.
- So yes, continuing that previous point, I have become a kind of fangirl. But I don't mind, especially; it's quite fun. And I'm secure enough to make fun of the whole thing.
- I turned sixteen last Friday. Hurrah!
- School is, predictably, shit, although our drama GCSE piece is going well. We're performing tomorrow in front of a moderator. Eek!
- I have been introduced to Spaced, Black Books, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, Coupling and Amy Winehouse. All of them are bloody brilliant.
Hmm. That's about it, really. It's been a bit boring. But busy, though; that's why I haven't posted.
Anyway, on to my main point...
DOCTOR WHO! 'Tis back! And I have seen very little reviews from my fellow bloggers (except for The Medium is Not Enough, and he was drunk at the time.) So, why not me?
Overall, I liked it. Scary monsters, good special effects, David Tennant. I like Freema Aygeman as Martha, although her performance did fall flat a couple of times. I mean, I can appreciate that you can't really repeat the whole new-companion-from-earth-she's-completely-shocked-by-everything formula after Rose left, but you would have thought she would have been a bit more surprised?
I think my favourite bit was the Doctor time travelling back to Martha at the beginning ("Like so!"); very clever.
So, I enjoyed it. Couple of weak bits, but there always is. And I've seen a full-length trailer for the series and it does look a lot darker than I expected. Or maybe that's just the editing.
You will have noticed I'm not quite as squealy as I was last year.
Just wait until John Barrowman comes back as Captain Jack.
John Barrowman.
David Tennant.
On the same screen. Together.
Should I ever post again after this (which I probably will), you will have to put up with me going *completely* mental.
...anyway, I seriously need to finish that essay.
Farewell! Will be back soon, hopefully!
Welcome back! And happy birthday. Let's hope DT + JB is as good a (late) present as you deserve.
Marie, at 4:28 PM
Ditto as per Marie! Brill to have you back. I would have been more squeally myself about Who but am just wiped out.
but it was fab and YES, the "like so" was awesome. And that rufflesome hair... mmmm.
And a very hippy happy birthday to you for last week. Welcome to being 16!
Lisa Rullsenberg, at 10:47 AM
Hey! Welcome back, my fellow fangirl :) Hope you're well.
Mmmm, rufflesome hair. Big hair is ALWAYS good. See Ross from Friends when Emily dumped him.
And isn't Spaced pretty much the best tv show ever?!x
Anna Lowman (annawaits), at 10:45 AM
Many happy's from another fangirl. DT and JB on the same screen at the same time. Dunno if my delicate constitution can cope..*dribble...*
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM
Heya Ros! I was looking through my online favourites and I was like "wow! Ros's blog! I haven't visited in a while!" so I clicked on the link and came to see you because I'm so kind.
I'm kinda surprised that you have gotten bored of your blog. That's precisely what happened to me, but quicker. Ahh... the days of year 8. Good memories. But I hope you do still post occasionly as it is very nice to read about your adventures, young Rosalind.
I'm finding Doctor Who a bit of a let down this series, personally. The Shakespeare one was quite good but the first one was a bit pooy. I'm not used to that Martha girl, I want Rose back! I was like that when Christopher Eccleston left though, I'm sure I'll get used to her. This weeks episode looks good.
Anyhoo, must dash now. Happy Easter. Even though it's over. Happy Holidays.
Soph xxxx
Anonymous, at 6:28 AM
mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa
mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa
mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa
ok im bored now
Anonymous, at 4:51 AM
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