Doctor Who is back, people!
And, I must confess, I was so involved in Torchwood that I didn't notice it coming - then BAM; straight after thirteen weeks of solid Barrowman, we get thirteen weeks of solid Tennant. With Barrowman mixed in near the end. Hurrah!
Overall, I loved it. I missed the first ten minutes due to spaghetti boiling (which had me flicking frantically from room to room until I gave up and concentrated on the pasta before it overboiled), but it was easy to follow. Due to, great shock, being three years older than when it started, it's impossible to take Who seriously, but I loved it all the same; the little fat-babies were absolutely adorable, and Miss Foster, although seeming like a complete characature to me, was deliciously evil enough to scare the little kiddies. Plus, it was refreshing to have a motive other than destroy/take over the Earth. It's good to have a villain who cares.
(Lord, that sounds like some kind of advert.)
And Catherine Tate! I'll admit, I was one of the ones who was slightly annoyed by the addition of Catherine Tate; she's a great actress, but I found Donna relentless irritating in The Runaway Bride, and didn't think I'd enjoy that for thirteen straight weeks. However, I really enjoyed her in this; her experience with the Doctor has definitely changed her; she seems to have become more assertive, has a more meaningful perspective on life, yet she's still very ballsy and down-to-earth. Also, I love the relationship she has with the Doctor; they work very well as partners in crime, and the contrast between them is played out very well.
Time will tell if she'll capture the hearts of the public, but she seems to be doing brilliantly so far. I've read that the relationship between the two is more matey this time around, which seems to bode well; from what we can witness with Martha, unrequited love for the Doctor clearly doesn't do a lot of good. Not that it can be helped, I'm sure. I was glad to hear the Doctor expressing his guilt over his treatment of Martha; hopefully it'll lay a nice foundation for when we see her later on in the series. Hurrah!
So, all in all, good episode; a nice, ridiculous, fun-filled romp for an early Saturday evening. The new time-slot is irritating, though. What is it with the BBC and scheduling? Torchwood was completely all over the place; is that going to happen with Who as well?
Also, that bit with Rose?
I may have flailed. Just a tiny bit. Out of surprise. Bwee!
As for Torchwood...gah. I cried. I was completely spoiled for the deaths of Owen and Tosh, but I still cried. The episode itself...ehh...I loved it, but I was really hoping for something a lot stronger, and which made a modicum of sense. Also, the actor playing Jack's brother Gray was diabolical, to be honest, and the whole premise seemed very squashed together, and there wasn't enough room for any real development of the character, or of his relationship with Jack.
Still, James Marsters took another winning turn (although, as with Gray, the accent was a bit off. I haven't seen Buffy before - does his British accent fluctuate in that, as well?), and there was good acting all-round, especially from Naoko Mori and Burn Gorman. God, I'm going to miss Owen and Tosh. And Torchwood! This series has been a million miles better than last series, and the future of it is very uncertain. Still, I have thirteen episodes to enjoy at my leisure, and Jack will be cropping up very soon!
(And I'll be seeing John Barrowman live before that. But that's for another day.)
In addition, as read in Deathray magazine, Gwen and Ianto are meant to crop up in Doctor Who as well! SQUEEEEEE! God knows for how long, but it's been said more than once, and...oh hell, I don't care. IANTO! AND GWEN! IN DOCTOR WHO! YAYYYYYY!
...ahem. I'm rather excited about that.
RIGHT. That's the review done. Doctor Who is back! I'm going to miss the next episode, though, which is annoying; I'm off tomorrow to Turkey for a week, which promises to be fun. I still haven't packed, though. Next week (I think) is James Moran's episode, so make sure you give him some nice feedback on his blog; he's a lovely guy and hilarious with it.
Had better go and pack my suitcase. Will definitely post when I get back, on the second episode. Also, if you come back here after the 18th and see several posts filled with incoherent capslock and the letter "e" repeated many times, that means I've seen John Barrowman. And talked to him. And gone mental.
And, I must confess, I was so involved in Torchwood that I didn't notice it coming - then BAM; straight after thirteen weeks of solid Barrowman, we get thirteen weeks of solid Tennant. With Barrowman mixed in near the end. Hurrah!
Overall, I loved it. I missed the first ten minutes due to spaghetti boiling (which had me flicking frantically from room to room until I gave up and concentrated on the pasta before it overboiled), but it was easy to follow. Due to, great shock, being three years older than when it started, it's impossible to take Who seriously, but I loved it all the same; the little fat-babies were absolutely adorable, and Miss Foster, although seeming like a complete characature to me, was deliciously evil enough to scare the little kiddies. Plus, it was refreshing to have a motive other than destroy/take over the Earth. It's good to have a villain who cares.
(Lord, that sounds like some kind of advert.)
And Catherine Tate! I'll admit, I was one of the ones who was slightly annoyed by the addition of Catherine Tate; she's a great actress, but I found Donna relentless irritating in The Runaway Bride, and didn't think I'd enjoy that for thirteen straight weeks. However, I really enjoyed her in this; her experience with the Doctor has definitely changed her; she seems to have become more assertive, has a more meaningful perspective on life, yet she's still very ballsy and down-to-earth. Also, I love the relationship she has with the Doctor; they work very well as partners in crime, and the contrast between them is played out very well.
Time will tell if she'll capture the hearts of the public, but she seems to be doing brilliantly so far. I've read that the relationship between the two is more matey this time around, which seems to bode well; from what we can witness with Martha, unrequited love for the Doctor clearly doesn't do a lot of good. Not that it can be helped, I'm sure. I was glad to hear the Doctor expressing his guilt over his treatment of Martha; hopefully it'll lay a nice foundation for when we see her later on in the series. Hurrah!
So, all in all, good episode; a nice, ridiculous, fun-filled romp for an early Saturday evening. The new time-slot is irritating, though. What is it with the BBC and scheduling? Torchwood was completely all over the place; is that going to happen with Who as well?
Also, that bit with Rose?
I may have flailed. Just a tiny bit. Out of surprise. Bwee!
As for Torchwood...gah. I cried. I was completely spoiled for the deaths of Owen and Tosh, but I still cried. The episode itself...ehh...I loved it, but I was really hoping for something a lot stronger, and which made a modicum of sense. Also, the actor playing Jack's brother Gray was diabolical, to be honest, and the whole premise seemed very squashed together, and there wasn't enough room for any real development of the character, or of his relationship with Jack.
Still, James Marsters took another winning turn (although, as with Gray, the accent was a bit off. I haven't seen Buffy before - does his British accent fluctuate in that, as well?), and there was good acting all-round, especially from Naoko Mori and Burn Gorman. God, I'm going to miss Owen and Tosh. And Torchwood! This series has been a million miles better than last series, and the future of it is very uncertain. Still, I have thirteen episodes to enjoy at my leisure, and Jack will be cropping up very soon!
(And I'll be seeing John Barrowman live before that. But that's for another day.)
In addition, as read in Deathray magazine, Gwen and Ianto are meant to crop up in Doctor Who as well! SQUEEEEEE! God knows for how long, but it's been said more than once, and...oh hell, I don't care. IANTO! AND GWEN! IN DOCTOR WHO! YAYYYYYY!
...ahem. I'm rather excited about that.
RIGHT. That's the review done. Doctor Who is back! I'm going to miss the next episode, though, which is annoying; I'm off tomorrow to Turkey for a week, which promises to be fun. I still haven't packed, though. Next week (I think) is James Moran's episode, so make sure you give him some nice feedback on his blog; he's a lovely guy and hilarious with it.
Had better go and pack my suitcase. Will definitely post when I get back, on the second episode. Also, if you come back here after the 18th and see several posts filled with incoherent capslock and the letter "e" repeated many times, that means I've seen John Barrowman. And talked to him. And gone mental.
Labels: Doctor Who, John Barrowman, Torchwood
Happy late Birthday, and what better present than the return of Who? SQUUUUEEEEEEEEE indeed!
Marie, at 11:21 AM
Go mental! you deserve it! Enjoy a lot - we will ALL be thinking of you
Lisa Rullsenberg, at 2:55 AM
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